Admin May 08

How To Build Arms Fast With The Help of Dumbbells And Sets

Build Arms Fast With The Help of Dumbbells

To build arms you need to lift heavy weights. If you hit the bicep muscle once a week, it does not grow. You perform barbell curls and hammer curls, you build big arms. After that, you can focus on your triceps muscles.

Because the triceps means it consists of three muscles of your arms. And bicep consists of only two muscles. So if you want to have bigger arms then the main focus is on your tri muscle.

Exercise For Bigger Biceps and Triceps

Concentration curl

Cable curl

Barbell curl


Skull crusher

Overhead dumbbell


Reverse grip

Posing between sets

Include Drop set, Negative set, and Partial set To Build Arms

Most people are doing the same exercise regularly. So, the body goes through this schedule, which does not produce results. If you add these three variations to your routine, you get definite results.

Drop set:

When you are doing your regular set, after your set, you can use a light dumbbell to perform fifteen reps and then, at last, pose your biceps. This is a drop set.

Negative set:

When you complete the full range of motion then in reverse you down very slowly and feel the bicep muscle. It performs between your reps.

You can ask someone if he is pushing you down with force, and you control it.

Partials set:

This name explains what it means. It means half your full range of motion. When you perform any exercise, you do not make the full range of motion; you stop when you reach half of it.

You can add all these sets to your every exercise. So, it fatigues more and trains your muscles with variations.

After one week, you can see that your bicep and tricep muscles are bigger and more muscular.

What is Diet For Building Arms

Make sure you should eat a lot. Because you need more energy and more calories. Like you can eat high protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, and so on. Because you need to repair your muscles.

If you can afford supplements then you can add them to your diet. You can add supplements Protein, BCAAs, Glutamine, and Pre-workout.

How To Workout

I see a lot of people who work very hard, and they do not build arms. The main reason is that they work 7 days a week. So, they do not get proper rest, and that is the reason their muscles are not growing.

So I suggest you should work out only 5 days a week and take 2 days rest in between the workout plan. This is my personal experience.

The last thing is you must take 2-3 minutes rest in between your sets. Do not speed up your workout give it 1 hour at least.

Your position is also very important during your workout. Only use the bicep when you train this muscle. Do not use other muscles in this.